What Is It Like To Get a Same-Day Crown?

When you need a crown, look no further than our office at Jim. D. Lassiter DMD, FAGD, in Jay, Florida. Dr. Lassiter and his team are skilled at providing same-day services to help you get the smile you want in less time.

What Is a Same-Day Crown?

A same-day crown is a crown made for you in just one visit. Traditional crowns take multiple visits to take impressions and build the crown for your tooth. With a same-day crown, we use advanced dental technology to give you a more rapidly available alternative.

What Are the Benefits of a Same-Day Crown?

A same-day crown has several key benefits including:

  • More rapid turnaround, allowing you to avoid missing extra days of school or work
  • Precision, as CEREC technology is used to create the crown is more accurate than traditional options (for a crown that requires less drilling and fewer adjustments)
  • Speed, as the permanent crown can be designed, created, and placed within an hour

You won’t need a temporary crown when you get a same-day crown at our office. You’ll save time, and money, and be able to get back to your normal life sooner.

Get Your Same-Day Crown With Jim D. Lassiter, DMD, FAGD in Jay, Florida

For dental work in less time, you’ll love coming to visit us at Jim. D. Lassiter DMD, FAGD, in Jay, Florida. Our office is dedicated to helping you get the smile you want faster (and in fewer visits).

To learn more about our same-day crown services and to speak with our team about setting up an appointment, get in touch today.

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