Child Smiling

How to Avoid Childhood Chipped Tooth

One of the most charming features of children is their boundless energy. Children have a need for adventure and exploration, and as parents, you should encourage safe activities that help your child to grow and develop. At the same time, because of this, children are more prone to accidents and injuries such as chipped teeth. Your emergency dentist in Jay, FL can fix a chipped tooth, but here are some ways to help prevent it from happening in the first place.

Insist on the Use of Mouthguards

Mouthguards are effective against tooth injuries. Make sure your child wears one whenever engaging in contact sports or activities with a higher chance of mouth trauma.

Teach Proper Oral Hygiene

Strong, healthy teeth are less susceptible to chipping. Encourage your child to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily.

Supervise Playtime

Some kids are more interested in roughhousing than others. If your child likes to roughhouse, keep an eye on the environment. Keeping certain items out of the area can help to prevent the kinds of bumps that can lead to a chipped tooth.

Avoid Hard Foods

Certain hard foods are more likely to chip teeth. These include certain candies and nuts, as well as ice.

Teach Good Habits

Teach your child not to use their teeth as tools. They shouldn’t be trying to open things with their teeth, prying open plastic on bottles, or pulling on things with their teeth.

Wear Protective Gear

When biking, skating, skateboarding, or enjoying certain other activities, have your child wear protective headgear, which also protects the mouth against injuries.

If, despite all these measures, your child does get a chipped tooth, contact your dentist in Jay, FL right away. Contact our office to learn more.

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